Another important election is upon us. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. Early voting in Ohio is now open. You may be thinking…As a Christian, why should I vote?

In America, we have a privilege few believers have experienced throughout world history; freely choosing who leads our community, our state, and our nation. Sadly, too many Christians have been silenced through inaction. Research by the Center of Christian Virtue shows, that on average, nearly 40 percent of self-proclaimed Christians do not vote in any given election.

As citizens of a heavenly kingdom, we have an earthly responsibility to steward what we have been entrusted – including our voice in the election of the local, state, and national officials who set the course for our families and communities on a variety of important issues.

If you are a registered voter, my hope is that you will vote and let your voice be heard. To help steward your vote, we have posted links about the candidates and issues below.

Mark Boyer

BuckeyeBallot.com: buckeyeballot.com

Center of Christian Virtue: ccv.org

Ohio Christian Alliance: ohioca.org